福田 ひかり|ピアノ

福田 ひかり|ピアノ

1967年岡山県津山市生まれ。国立音楽大学器楽学科(ピアノ)卒業。東京学芸大学大学院、東京藝術大学大学院(音楽学)修了。ピアノを寺坂栄子、弘中馨子、小阪文産子、賀集裕子、音楽学を足立美比古、東川清一、角倉一朗の各氏に師事。1992年パリで開催されたダリウス・ミヨー生誕100年記念公演に出演。1998年の初リサイタル以来、一貫してJ. S. バッハの鍵盤作品を中心にプログラムを組んでいる。2005—2009年には「バッハ・ツィクルス」(全5回)、2010—2014年には「続バッハ・ツィクルス」(全4回)を開催、好評を博した。2011年第8回津山国際総合音楽祭に出演。その他、オーケストラとの共演やデュオ、ジョイントコンサート等に多数出演。2021年11月にOMFレーベルよりリリースした『J. S. バッハ:ゴルトベルク変奏曲』(KCD-2074)は各種メディアで好評を得ており、『レコード芸術』では準特選盤に選ばれた。

Hikari Fukuda | Piano

Hikari Fukuda was born 1967, Tsuyama, Okayama and studied piano at Kunitachi College of Music, and musicology at Graduate School of Education, Tokyo Gakugei University and Graduate School of Music, Tokyo University of the Arts. She studied piano under Eiko Terasaka, Keiko Hironaka, Fusako Osaka and Hiroko Kashu, and musicology with Professors Yoshihiko Adachi, Seiichi Tohkawa and Ichiro Sumikura. She performed at “Concert for the centenary of the birth of Darius Milhaud”[a] at Paris in 1992. Since her first recital in 1998, she mainly features J. S. Bach’s keyboard works. She gave the two separate cycles of Bach’s keyboard works from 2005 to 2014. She performed at the 8th Tsuyama International All-Round Music Festival in 2011. She also performed with a number of orchestras and gave duo and joint concerts. Along with her concert performances, she has given the popular PTNA piano seminars including an “Intensive Seminar on Bach’s Inventions” and “A Lesson-like Style Intensive Seminar on Inventions”. Those seminars are based on the concept of “enjoy playing baroque music by getting more familiarity.” In these years, she studies temperaments and period instruments, and presents her studies by giving “Musical Temperament Concert Series” and lecture concerts on exploring the connection between modern pianos and period instruments. She writes an article series on “Let’s Give More Enjoyable Lessons on Bach’s Inventions” in the Musica Nova magazine. She is a member of the National Piano Teachers’ Association of Japan (PTNA).