稲岡 千架|ピアノ
稲岡 千架|ピアノ
兵庫県生まれ。京都市立堀川高等学校音楽科、東京音楽大学ピアノ演奏家コース、マンハイム国立音楽芸術大学芸術家育成コース、ソリストコースをDAAD(ドイツ政府学術交流会)特別奨学生として最優秀で卒業。国家演奏家資格を授与される。マンハイム学内・モーツァルト・コンクール全部門総合優勝。バーデンヴュルテンベルク州政府新年会、ハイデルベルク音楽祭、モーツァルトガラコンサート等出演。SWRドイツ南西ラジオで放送される。ヒルデスハイム劇場オーケストラ、韓国室内オーケストラなどと共演。モーツァルトの作品にライフワークとして取り組み、また現代の作曲家の作品も取り上げ、ピアノ協奏曲やソロの委嘱された作品も数多くある。モダンピアノだけでなく、フォルテピアノやクラヴィコードなどのピリオド楽器にも触れ、レクチャーや演奏会を行っている。ソロだけでなく、室内楽奏者としても積極的に活動している。これまでに、ピアノを柳井修、大畑博貴、石附秀美、渡辺健二、Ok-Hi Lee、Rudolf Meisterに、室内楽をAndreas Pistrius、リート伴奏法を Heike-D. Allardt、各氏に師事。日本演奏家連盟会員。
Chika Inaoka | Piano
The Pianist Chika Inaoka was born in Hyogo, Japan. She began learning piano at the age of three. She graduated from Kyoto Horikawa high school of music and Tokyo college of music in a Piano Performance Course.
From 2000 she studied at Mannheim University of Music and Performing Arts with Ok-Hi Lee and Prof. Rudolf Meister. She completed her postgraduate studies course with the highest honor in 2003 and her “Konzert Examen Solist Course” with the highest honor in 2005 by the special support of the German government scholarship (DAAD: German Academic Exchange Service).
She has been performed with various orchestras including Korean Chamber Orchestra in Heidelberg music Festival and with Stadttheater Hildesheim Orchestra, Ensemble Roca.
She has been invited as a guest performer to numerous concerts, including Baden-Württemberg new year concert, SWR broadcasted her performance at Mozart-Gala in Mannheim.
After returning to Japan in 2005, she has been actively engaged as a Chamber musician as well as a Soloist.
She is well versed in the music of modern composers. In the short documentary film “Hiroshima Bomb, Illusive Photography Memos,” which was directed by Hiroshi Nose, she performed the solo piano. The film achieved the minister of education award for fine arts.
Through the experience of the period instruments, she is also giving the lecture concerts, which pursue the possibility of expressions by the modern instruments.
She has also been actively working on the music of W.A.Mozart as her life work, released the first solo album of “W. A[KS1] . Mozart Rondos & Sonatas” by the OMF label in 2017. The album was chosen as one of the best 3 collections which I want to listen on the last day of my life in the monthly magazine “Record Art.” Also, in the monthly magazine “Stereo,” the album has been singled out for special praise.
She studied Piano under Osamu Yanai, Hiroki Ohata, Hidemi Ishizuki, Kenji Watanabe, Ok-Hi Lee and Rudolf Meister, Chamber music under Andreas Pistrius and Lied Accompaniment under Heike-D-Allard.
From 2000 she studied at Mannheim University of Music and Performing Arts with Ok-Hi Lee and Prof. Rudolf Meister. She completed her postgraduate studies course with the highest honor in 2003 and her “Konzert Examen Solist Course” with the highest honor in 2005 by the special support of the German government scholarship (DAAD: German Academic Exchange Service).
She has been performed with various orchestras including Korean Chamber Orchestra in Heidelberg music Festival and with Stadttheater Hildesheim Orchestra, Ensemble Roca.
She has been invited as a guest performer to numerous concerts, including Baden-Württemberg new year concert, SWR broadcasted her performance at Mozart-Gala in Mannheim.
After returning to Japan in 2005, she has been actively engaged as a Chamber musician as well as a Soloist.
She is well versed in the music of modern composers. In the short documentary film “Hiroshima Bomb, Illusive Photography Memos,” which was directed by Hiroshi Nose, she performed the solo piano. The film achieved the minister of education award for fine arts.
Through the experience of the period instruments, she is also giving the lecture concerts, which pursue the possibility of expressions by the modern instruments.
She has also been actively working on the music of W.A.Mozart as her life work, released the first solo album of “W. A[KS1] . Mozart Rondos & Sonatas” by the OMF label in 2017. The album was chosen as one of the best 3 collections which I want to listen on the last day of my life in the monthly magazine “Record Art.” Also, in the monthly magazine “Stereo,” the album has been singled out for special praise.
She studied Piano under Osamu Yanai, Hiroki Ohata, Hidemi Ishizuki, Kenji Watanabe, Ok-Hi Lee and Rudolf Meister, Chamber music under Andreas Pistrius and Lied Accompaniment under Heike-D-Allard.