藤枝 守|作曲
藤枝 守|作曲
九州大学大学院芸術工学研究院名誉教授。カリフォルニア大学サンディエゴ校音楽学部博士課程修了。博士号(Ph.D. in Music)を取得。作曲を湯浅譲二、モートン・フェルドマンらに師事。ハリー・パーチ、ルー・ハリソンに影響されながら、純正調によるあらたな音律の方向を模索。植物の生体情報である電位変化のデータに基づく『植物文様』という作曲シリーズを展開。CDに《Patterns of Plants》《クラヴィコードの植物文様》《今日は死ぬのにもってこいの日:植物文様ソングブック》など多数。著書に『増補 響きの考古学』(平凡社ライブラリー)など。
Mamoru Fujieda | Composer
Mamoru Fujieda received his doctorate in music from the University of California, San Diego, where he studied with Morton Feldman, among others. Inspired by Harry Partch and Lou Harrison, he has dedicated considerable energy to the exploration of alternative tuning systems. His work has been performed in Japan, Europe and the United States, and has received numerous awards. He has collaborated with other musicians including John Zorn, Malcolm Goldstein and Pauline Oliveros. He is currently Professor in the Department of Communication Design Science at Kyushu University.