柳田 茄那子|ヴァイオリン

2歳2ヶ月より才能教育スズキ・メソードにてヴァイオリンを始める。東京藝術大学音楽学部附属音楽高等学校を経て、2009年に東京藝術大学音楽学部に入学。2010年に渡英し、2014年英国王立音楽院音楽学部を1st Classで卒業。その後同大学院に進学し、2016年マスターを最優秀で卒業、RAM Diplomaを授与される。
2010年9月英国王立音楽院音楽学部に留学。在籍中にJ.Water House Award、DM Lloyd Awardなど多数受賞。室内楽ではEagle Trioのメンバーとして活動。在英中、セナートハウス、ケンブリッシ・マスターズロッジ等、英国内でコンサート活動を行う。学内では、マキシム・ヴェンゲーロフを始め、ニン・フェン、Owen Trio他の公開マスタークラスを受講。2015年ケンブリッジインターナショナルストリングアカデミーに参加しロドニー・フレンド、堀米ゆず子他に指導を受ける。
2021年7月に『東銀座バイオリンスクール』をオープンし代表となり、同年9月には、日本音楽財団よりストラディバリウス『サマズィユ』の短期貸与を受け、レコーディング。OMFよりデビューアルバム「スオノ・エテルノ」をリリース。過去、サントリーホール、東京芸術劇場、東京オペラシティ大ホール、Dukes Hall(英国)他にて、東京ニューシティ管弦楽団、東京交響楽団、新日本フィルハーモニー交響楽団、東京ニューシティ管弦楽団他とソリスト共演。公益社団法人日本演奏連盟会員。

Kanako Yanagida | Violin

Born in Tokyo, Kanako Yanagida began studying the violin aged 2 based on the Suzuki method. After graduating from Tokyo University of the Arts High School, she entered Tokyo University of the Arts in 2009. In 2010, she moved to London to study at the Royal Academy of Music and completed her undergraduate/postgraduate studies under the mentorship of Prof. György Pauk, gaining her RAM Diploma with first class honours in 2016.
Awards include the first and second prize in the 55th and 58th All Japan Student Competition in 2001 and 2004 respectively. In 2009, she was a finalist in the All Japan Music competition. In 2010, whilst at Tokyo University of the Arts, she was awarded the Fukushima Music Foundation Scholarship for the best performance of the year.
At the RAM, she received many awards including the J. Waterhouse Award and the DM Lloyd Award. In chamber music, she was a member of the Eagle Trio.
Performances in the U.K. included the Senate House and the Master’s Lodge in Cambridge. She participated in masterclasses with, among others, Maxim Vengerov, Ning Feng and Owen Trio. In 2015, she took part in the Cambridge International String Academy, studying with Rodney Friend and Yuzuko Horigome. She has also participated in the NAGANO International Music Festival, the Lake District Music Festival, the London Master Classes, and has had private lessons with Konstanty Kurka in Poland.
After returning to Japan in 2016, her debut recital at the Ginza Oji Hall in April 2017 met with great success. In 2018-19, she was selected as a fellow of the Suntory Hall Chamber Music Academy.
In July 2021, Kanako founded the Higashi Ginza Violin School and became its director. In September the same year, she was granted the loan of the Stradivarius “Samazeuilh” from the Nippon Music Foundation for the recording of her debut album. The album (released from OMF) was launched on the day of her recital in September 2022.
She has performed at venues such as Suntory Hall, Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre, Tokyo Opera City Concert Hall, and Duke’s Hall (London). As soloist, she has played with the Tokyo New City Orchestra, Tokyo Symphony Orchestra, and the New Japan Philharmonic. She is a member of the Japan Federation of Musicians.
She has been given guidance from Prof. György Pauk, Prof. Oleh Krysa, Prof. Konstanty Kulka, Prof. Gerald Poulet, Prof. Kazuki Sawa, Takako Yamazaki, Yukiko Ogawa and Mayumi Kanashiki. She studied chamber music with Jo Cole and Michael Dussek.