彌勒 忠史|声楽 カウンターテナー|演出
彌勒 忠史|声楽 カウンターテナー|演出
千葉大学卒業。同学大学院修了。東京藝術大学声楽科卒業。声楽を中村健、川上洋司の両氏に師事。バッハ・コレギウム・ジャパンに参加後、1999年よりイタリア政府奨学生として渡伊。バロック声楽をC.ミアテッロ、G.バンディテッリに師事。イタリア国内でのオーディションにて優勝・合格後、イタリアを中心に国内外のオペラ、コンサート、音楽祭に出演。また、ボローニャ大学DAMSにて演出学を学んだ後、オペラや演奏会の演出を手がけ る。トロヴァトーリ・レヴァンティ主宰。バル・ダンツァ協会(フェッラーラ)創設会員。イタリア国立フレスコバルディ音楽院バロック声楽 講師、東京藝術大学声楽科助手などを経て、現在、放送大学、学習院生涯学習センター講師。ソロCDに「音楽装飾されたマドリガーレ」「シレーヌたちのハーモニー」(Tactus)、「イタリア古典歌曲」(King International) などが、著作に『イタリア貴族養成講座』(集英社)がある。音楽之友社「教育音楽」に『音♪故知新』を、NHKイタリア語講座「まいにちイタリア語」に『貴族のお作法』を連載中。公式「在日本フェッラーラ・ルネサンス文化大使」。日本演奏連盟、二期会会員。
Tadashi Miroku | Countertenor
Born in 1968, Tadashi Miroku is a vocalist and director. He is a member of the Nikikai and the Japan Federation of Musicians.
Graduated from the graduate school of Chiba University. Graduated from the Department of Vocal Music of the Tokyo University of the Arts. In 1999, on an Italian government scholarship, he studied under Gloria Banditelli and Christina Miatello at the Conservatorio di Verona. From 2001 to 2003, Miroku was a lecturer at the Italian National Girolamo Frescobaldi Conservatorium. He studied directing at DAMS, University of Bologna. While performing actively as an opera vocalist in Japan and abroad, he is also active in directing opera productions such as L’oracolo in Messenia which was awarded the Best Opera of 2015 on “Ongaku no Tomo” magazine.
Since 2003, he has been in charge of planning and directing opera productions mounted in the small hall (Yokosuka Bayside Pocket) of the Yokosuka Arts Theatre, where he initiated the “Opera Delivery Service” project for the purpose of promoting the spread of opera, which began by presenting highlights from The Marriage of Figaro and The Barber of Seville and has expanded to presentations of early music performances of Henry Purcell’s Dido and Aeneasas well as a series easily enjoyed contemporary operas by Menotti that are rarely performed in Japan. Miroku has also launched a new series of opera performances using public courses and electone instrumental accompaniment that he calls “Digitalyrica” productions, including La traviata (2014) and Tosca (2016). For artistic achievements such as playing the messenger role in the opera Medea (2012), Miroku was awarded the New Artist Award (Music Division) of the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Fine Arts Awards in 2013 for the first time as a countertenor.
Graduated from the graduate school of Chiba University. Graduated from the Department of Vocal Music of the Tokyo University of the Arts. In 1999, on an Italian government scholarship, he studied under Gloria Banditelli and Christina Miatello at the Conservatorio di Verona. From 2001 to 2003, Miroku was a lecturer at the Italian National Girolamo Frescobaldi Conservatorium. He studied directing at DAMS, University of Bologna. While performing actively as an opera vocalist in Japan and abroad, he is also active in directing opera productions such as L’oracolo in Messenia which was awarded the Best Opera of 2015 on “Ongaku no Tomo” magazine.
Since 2003, he has been in charge of planning and directing opera productions mounted in the small hall (Yokosuka Bayside Pocket) of the Yokosuka Arts Theatre, where he initiated the “Opera Delivery Service” project for the purpose of promoting the spread of opera, which began by presenting highlights from The Marriage of Figaro and The Barber of Seville and has expanded to presentations of early music performances of Henry Purcell’s Dido and Aeneasas well as a series easily enjoyed contemporary operas by Menotti that are rarely performed in Japan. Miroku has also launched a new series of opera performances using public courses and electone instrumental accompaniment that he calls “Digitalyrica” productions, including La traviata (2014) and Tosca (2016). For artistic achievements such as playing the messenger role in the opera Medea (2012), Miroku was awarded the New Artist Award (Music Division) of the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Fine Arts Awards in 2013 for the first time as a countertenor.